Saturday, February 12, 2011

Happy Valentine's!

A) I have yet to finish the Nutella, but I've been hired as a part-time (*very* part-time) tutor. Yay?

B) I also applied for another illustration job, the kind that only comes along every two months or so. If I could pick between winning the lottery and getting this job, I'd choose this job.

C) Every different position I apply for, I see an area where my portfolio is lacking. So I've been doing lots of 20-minute projects - finishing some, still working on others. In that vein, here are some Valentine's Day postcards. Click on them for a LARGE version. Please use, share, print, etc.!


  1. I love the "I'd cross an Ocean for you". Such a win.

    As to biz cards. I'd sign up for they're great, they're cheap and they have 'get 100 free and only pay shipping' sales ALL the time. I'll send you a linky.

  2. This is great. I love your solution for the water. Great pattern.
